Front and back cover mockups of the catering catalog. Front cover showcases a delightful pasta salad with bow tie pasta, vibrant tomatoes, and romaine lettuce. Titled: “Union Market Catering Catalog.” Back cover shows Union College’s logo, address, and contact info.


November 2016


Union College


Design, layout

Union Market Catering Catalog

As one of my first largish projects as a student designer at Union College’s Integrated Marketing Communications department, I was given the opportunity to come up with the design and layout for Union Market’s catering catalog. While keeping the design consistent with the college’s brand guidelines, I was able to rework the brand system to create more of resemblance to a restaurant menu. Physical booklets were printed, while a digital version was provided on the web.

Interior spread showing the “welcome” section set with photos of some delicious blueberries and a purple onion with spices. Provides important information about costs, scheduling, dining, etc.Interior spread showing the sandwich entrée selection and design-your-own deli. Photos of sandwiches, lunch meat, bread, cheese, and soup.Interior spread showing dinner buffet options including entrées, sides, salads, and breads. Photos of pasta, rice, broccoli, salad, and bread.


  • A huge thank you to all the photographers whose tasty food images I used from Pexels, Pixabay, and Unsplash
  • Another big thank you to Denise for all the encouragement and to Steve for critique and wisdom


  • Bryant Pro, Galaxie Copernicus